Friday, March 16, 2012

The Reluctant Dragon

By: Kenneth Grahame

Genre: Fantasy

Age Range: 5th - 7th. Though the book isn't long, the language of the book and lack of illustrations suggests difficulty for younger readers.

Plot: A shepherd finds a dragon sleeping in a cave near where his sheep graze. He runs and tells his wife and son. His son being the book reader convinces his mother and father to allow him to speak to the dragon before they do anything rash. The next day he goes to speak to the dragon and the dragon does not want to leave. Turns out he is rather lazy and apathetic and does not want to leave. He would much rather recite poetry and discuss things of that nature. Soon, the townsfolk hear word of the dragon and call for a knight. St. George shows up and the villagers tell him how violent and evil the dragon is and he believes them. The boy meets with him trying to convince him otherwise but St. George's prejudice is strong and would like to meet the dragon himself. When meeting they become friends and would like to peacefully resolve but cannot agree upon how. The dragon refuses to fight because he sees no point but the boy and the night crave a fight. After acting out a fight for all the villagers to see, the dragon is brought back alive and everyone loves him. Solving all their problems.

Characters: The dragon, the boy, the shepherd/father, mother, St. George, the villagers.

Setting: Long ago it was seems to be Britain

Theme: Looks can be deceiving

Illustrations: Ernest H. Shepard. Sketches that simply assist in what the characters look like.

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